“總理說,今天是為了為新經濟做準備。要真正實現這一目標,我們需要從政府那裏看到的是整個英國勞動力的長期戰略願景。全國上下的企業正在與勞動和勞動力作鬥爭技能短缺。他們需要合適的杠杆來實現適當的勞動力發展和增長的投資類型 - 隻有這種增長才能使工資能夠提高可持續性並長期改善公共財政。這意味著確保企業擁有財務上的淨空和激勵措施進行投資在英國,以及所需的技能支持。
"Today’s pledge for more spending on skills is a step in the right direction - but what is long overdue is a revolution in how we deliver training and skills. The apprenticeship levy is acting as a brake on prospects for young people, and progression for many workers. It needs to be overhauled, so that it supports people at and into work properly. There is also still not enough focus on entry-level skills, where the most acute shortages are, so we hope to see more on that in the detail of the skills bootcamps announcement.
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